Nutravita Magnesium Citrate

Nutravita Magnesium Citrate

Product overview:

Nutravita is a recognised and trusted Vitamins & Supplements brand known for producing high quality products. It is reassuring to know that each batch is tested and certified in the UK to the highest standards. They also have a dedicated team of pharmacologists, chemists and research scientists working to source the most beneficial ingredients. Their high quality Magnesium capsules contain 1480mg of Magnesium Citrate per serving which is excellent considering the benefits of Magnesium supplementation. The cells in our body depend on Magnesium for regulating day-to-day metabolic function, it assists with cell division, protein synthesis, muscle function, and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. This particular product is also vegan friendly with no synthetic fillers – which is always a bonus.

Ingredients used in this product include Magnesium Citrate, Vegetable Capsule Shell (HydroxyPropylMethylCellulose), Bulking Agent (Microcrystalline Cellulose), and an Anti-Caking Agent (Bamboo Extract).

Product/brand guarantee:
Nutravita Magnesium Citrate claims to:

At their usual sale price of £19.99 per 180 capsule bottle, this isn’t the most affordable product around.

Product effectiveness:
The health benefits of magnesium supplementation are well documented especially with many people having a magnesium deficiency.
This brand and particular product can be relied upon to deliver on its claims given the high standards Nutravita is known to adhere to and the research that goes into formulating their supplements.

Customer satisfaction:
Based on reviews it appears there are plenty of happy customers – many commenting on the health benefits they experienced after using this product.

Final thoughts:

This one gets a thumbs up from us. Not only were we impressed with the quality ingredients; their dedication to being vegan friendly, synthetic-free and commitment to maintaining high manufacturing standards also deserves kudos. It is, however, on the pricier side but certainly still recommended to try.

Wendy is an author and blogger. With both her mother and grandmother being naturopaths, Wendy has had what some might call an ‘alternative’ upbringing. It’s an interest that has lingered and Wendy enjoys discovering natural health supplements that benefit well-being. In her spare time you’ll find Wendy tending to her beloved livestock or out for a hike.

Wendy Jones