Bucktons Cockatiel & Lovebird Mix: 20kg

Bucktons Cockatiel & Lovebird Mix: 20kg

I personally receive mixed reviews about choosing to own birds rather than other, more common household pets. But despite their small size, birds are very intelligent animals, capable of showing affection to their owners and even learning to repeat phrases. At times I am sure that they also understand and comprehend these phrases, although I am biased towards them.
Due to my great love for these animals, I am continually looking for new ways to treat them to as much of a lavish life that a bird could live while being kept in or around their aviary. This includes but is not limited to meeting their nutritional needs with (hopefully tasty) daily food.
Bucktons Cockatiel and Lovebird mix is intended for use of both bird species mentioned in the title as the components are specific to their dietary needs. There are no specific guidelines as to how much and how often buyers are to use this product But I will continue to feed them twice daily and pay attention to their hunger cues.

The ingredients consist of: Yellow Millet, Whole Oats, Canary Seed, Naked Oats, Red Millet, Dark Stripe Sunflower Seeds, Buckwheat, Panicum Millet, Safflower Seed, Japanese Millet, Linseed, Hempseed, Nyjer Seed, Oil. I know that my Cockatiels are basically obsessed with Millet and judging by the reviews, my birds are not the only ones. They prefer to meticulously pick out and consume the Millet first, before moving on to the seeds and oats.

Product Guarantee
The Bucktons Cockatiel & Lovebird Mix is 100% Natural and includes a variety of ingredients for interest and stimulation. There is a refund policy in place if a purchaser changes their mind about a product, however item must only be returned in unused and original condition.

Pricing & Value
At Little Peckers, the Bucktons Cockatiel & Lovebird Mix is sold for £24.99 which while is not overly expensive, is not cheap either. I believe this product is worth its price in value on the basis that the formula is designed specifically for the health of specific breeds. If I were to purchase the components of this product individually, it would cost a lot more money.

Product Effectiveness
Despite making a huge mess every meal time, my cockatiels seem to love this product. It certainly takes the hassle out of wondering if the food I give them meets their needs. They also appear very healthy which makes me feel like a contented bird owner.

Customer Satisfaction
I am a happy customer of Little Peckers when purchasing and using the Bucktons Cockatiel & Lovebird Mix product. Next time I may even try to order a larger bag for ease and affordability. There are no reviews on the little peckers website for this product but they can be found around the internet from other stockists. These include many great 5 star reviews for this product from those who I’m guessing feel the same as me. Unfortunately there are also quite a few negative reviews which have since been deleted and are inaccessible. This has me wondering what future problems may arise and a bit cautious of the company. I am currently crossing my fingers that the poor reviews were related to an individual stockist having shipping delays or other similar problems but I guess I may never know.

Final thoughts
I am happy with this product and its value at this point in time and will be purchasing again. The only downside is not being able to read accurate negative reviews, which as a pet owner, does cause a little bit of concern.

Author: India Ward
India likes spending time at home cooking and having friends over. She also has a passion for birds as her Aunt did and is the proud owner of not one, but two Cockatiels.