Importance of Exercise For Pets

Importance of Exercise For Pets

Exercise is as important for pets as much as it is for us hoomans! It helps decrease their anxiety, keeps their mind sharp, and strengthens your bond when exercising together. Not only are you both getting closer, but healthier, too. Dogs are playful and energetic, so they need daily exercise at the park or with a ball or Frisbee. Cats are active, too. They can play with string or they can solve puzzle feeders.

Exercise keeps your pet in shape
Coupled with a healthy diet, exercise is the best way to keep weight off your dog or cat – and helps you get fit too! Obesity can be a real problem in our pets and can lead to more medical issues, such as respiratory and joint problems.

Regular exercise can help keep your pet healthy
Regular exercise can help your pet maintain a healthy digestive and circulatory system. Walking, in particular, can reduce blood pressure and build up muscle. It’ll even help your pet have healthy bones. Walking also helps your dog to poo and wee so they’ll be less likely to get constipation or a urinary tract infection.

Regular exercise can help prevent behavioural problems in pets
Exercise prevents your dog from getting bored. When left alone in the yard or house, and not taken out for a run or walk, a dog can become frustrated. This is when problem behaviours such as digging holes, chewing furniture and barking begin.

Exercise can be a source of joy and happiness for your pet
When dogs lose a companion or undergo lifestyle changes—such as the introduction of a baby or a move to a different home—they can sometimes descend into a state of depression. An excellent way to lift a depressed dog’s spirits is exercise. Walks in particular are great for helping your dog’s mood ­– the exercise is great, but it’s the smells and being with you that really make their tail wag.

Have an exercise plan for your pet
Different breeds need different exercises, and so do senior pets, puppies and kittens. Your 15-year-old dog might still think it’s a puppy so it’s up to you to decrease the intensity of their exercise. Ask your vet what sort of exercise is best for your cat or dog; they can set you up with an exercise plan.

Exercise keeps dogs healthy, physically and mentally. It reduces behavioural problems caused by restlessness, such as excessive licking, barking, chewing and digging. Exercise also strengthens the bond between you and your dog—it helps your dog view you as a leader.