5 Best Ways to Bond With Your Fur Baby

5 Best Ways to Bond With Your Fur Baby

While loving your dog or cat might seem like a simple and easy thing to do, there’s more to that than just adoring your pets, and spoiling them with treats and toys.

Loving your dog or cat is all about ensuring their health and well-being, and that includes building a strong bond with them, and making them feel safe and cared for. A true pet parent will always have his dog or cat’s best interest a top priority. Here are a few ways on how to show your pets you love them.

Play with them
Playing with your dog or cat helps release their energy, relieve their stress and strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

Play time helps keep the heart healthy, improve coordination and balance, and keeps bones and joints flexible and nimble. Interactive games that challenge your pets also help improve their mental health.

Happy animals are active animals. Take time each day to exercise and play with them as playtime allows them to be mentally stimulated and physically challenged. Their time with you is limited, and YOU are the bright spot in their otherwise uneventful day. Simply being with them will mean the world to them.

Give them a daily brush and belly rub 
A well-groomed and pampered pet is a happy pet. Make sure to brush their hair daily, ensure that there are no tangled or matted hair as this can be painful for them. Keep their hair out of their eyes so that there is no discomfort or obstruction of vision.

Check their fur for any parasite infestation, or for any unusual bumps or wounds. This fur-check can also double as a nice massage for your pet.

A pampering massage and daily brush will not only make them look and feel good, it will also strengthen the bond between you and your pet!

Take them out to socialize
Unsocialized pets, especially dogs, are often fearful and defensive in unfamiliar situations. Not properly exposing them to new people, environments, and situations causes them to get extremely stressed and end up associating these moments as bad experiences.

Pets are social by nature and spending their days isolated and unchallenged are likely to make them unhappy. Spend quality time with your dogs and cats and take the time to bring them outside to meet new people and fur-friends. The better socialized they are, the happier they will be.

Train your pet
Training your pet is a great bonding experience and can help you and your pet to get to know each other better. By enrolling your puppy in obedience classes, he will have the opportunity to learn from others in a group setting. Have an older dog? Teach him some new tricks! Dogs thrive on mental stimulation, and continuing education can encourage your dog to keep learning new things. Giving a high five and rolling over are two fun tricks that your dog will enjoy showing off for company.

Spend as much quality time with them
The best way to show them just how much they are loved, is just to spend as much time with them as you can. Take a few extra minutes to cuddle or play with them just a little bit longer.  Being with you is the best part of their day, and giving them that extra attention would definitely show how much you love them.