The relationship between Hormones & Health

The relationship between Hormones & Health

Many of the foods we eat these days can cause unnecessary and detrimental inflammation of the gut. And while you may think that a bit of bloating is manageable here and there, there are bigger issues that an inflamed gut can cause. When speaking of somebodies ‘Gut’, we are referring to the entire digestive passage that starts at the mouth and ends at… well, you know where.

Our gut is responsible for sifting through the food and drink we consume, finding all the nutrients and other bits it wants to keep, while sending the remaining parts out of our bodies. In other words, the gut is the one stop shop for accessing and utilising all of the good things you put into your body.

Hormones and your gut

As you can imagine, if this system is experiencing inflammation from foods our bodies don’t fully agree with, it is unable to absorb all of the good stuff. In short, an unhealthy gut may be sending some of your hard work down the drain, literally. But this is not all. An unhealthy gut will also not be able to perform one of its greatest functions – creation of serotonin. Serotonin is one of our bodies’ most important happy hormones, capable of stabilising moods and creating feelings of happiness and wellbeing. It also impacts our entire bodies, allowing the different systems to communicate with and help each other. Good levels of serotonin can also help with sleeping, eating and digestion. But here’s the catch. A whopping 90% of the Serotonin that our bodies create and desperately need is actually made in the gut. You guessed it, that means that during periods of gut inflammation, our bodies are unable to synthesise and maintain healthy levels of serotonin that are vital to our health and wellbeing.

Some of the foods on the FODMAP list may surprise you… like onions, broccoli and apples. While these foods are typically healthy with many nutritional benefits, they also increase inflammation and decrease gut function. This perfectly illustrates the main point, a healthy and balanced diet contains all of the major food groups, with moderation in mind.

Are you ready to see not only your mood and sleep regulated, but your whole body wellness improve? We’re rooting for you.