Key Influencers That Help Improve Mental Health

Key Influencers That Help Improve Mental Health

Mental health is a complicated thing. And, as the world becomes more and more complex, it’s becoming harder for people to find peace of mind. We’re constantly bombarded with information from social media, the news, and emails that we don’t have time to process all at once. It’s no surprise that many people are feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by life. In this blog post I want to talk about how you can improve your well being and mental health through a few easy steps – not just meditation but exercising, socializing, eating healthy and getting a good night’s sleep!


The importance of diet and nutrition is not only tied to physical health, but mental as well. Numerous studies show that certain diets may reduce the risk for developing depression or anxiety which can then affect almost every aspect of our lives. For instance, it’s been shown that diets high in antioxidants (like fruits and vegetables) can prevent the inflammation of the brain which is linked to depression. Similarly, studies show that certain foods like oily fish may help reduce symptoms of depression by balancing out mood-regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine!

When it comes to working out, the food you eat can either fuel or foil your efforts. The right combination of water, carbs and protein eaten at the right time can help to improve athletic performance as well as decrease fatigue. Eating a meal or snack that is high in sodium before an intense workout may lead to nausea which makes exercise more challenging. 

And lastly, as it turns out, what we eat also has an impact on our sleep quality and duration. While caffeine is known for making falling asleep more difficult, eating too close to bedtime can cause disruptions in sleeping patterns as well. Most health experts recommend avoiding caffeine prior to sleeping at night; at the same time, having too many calories or fat in your diet may also make it harder to get enough sleep while diets lacking key nutrients like calcium, magnesium, vitamins A-E are not beneficial either

The Importance Of Sleep

Sleep is a necessary process that gives our bodies time to recover. Not getting enough sleep can increase the risk of health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. It also has negative cognitive effects such as lack of concentration. 

When people don’t get enough sleep, their bodies tend to crave high-calorie foods. This is because lack of sleep can cause disruption in the release of ghrelin and leptin- two neurotransmitters that tell our brain when we should be consuming calories. Over time, chronic loss of sleep has been linked with increased waist circumference and an increased risk for obesity.

Sleep is crucial for exercise performance. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a decrease in muscle strength, energy levels and physical activity during the day. This could affect the safety of exercise as increased sports injuries have been reported with lack of sufficient slumber


Even before lockdowns and the pandemic, socializing has become hard for all of us. Between work and all the things we have to do, it’s easy for people to become isolated. But studies show that socializing is crucial for our well being. 

Even going out once a week may be enough as this can improve moods and reduce stress levels by up to 60%. According to a study, people who spent time with friends and family had lower levels of stress hormones than those who did not socialize at all. 

Socializing has been associated with longer life due to the increased number of immune cells in our body that fight disease more effectively when we are exposed to bacteria or viruses from other individuals. Appreciating the people we spend time with is also important as this can increase our happiness and reduce depressive symptoms. Socializing may be hard during a pandemic, but it’s an easy way to feel happier


Getting started with meditation can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways that work for different people depending on their interests and lifestyle preferences. It is a great way to clear your mind and body. Studies have shown that meditation can alter the structure of your brain which leads to improvements in mental health and cognitive functioning. It helps improve memory, concentration and emotional stability as well as overall happiness levels.

Meditation can be done anywhere at any time; you don’t even need to sit down! Simply finding ways to practice mindfulness throughout your day such as taking deep breaths or focusing on something around you can be a great start.